Massage Benefits
By Heather Strand / Heather's Helping Hands - Triple H Massage
Massage is more than just a luxury, it has a range of physical and
mental health benefits, transforming it into an essential part of our self-
care routines. Massage therapists help reduce muscle tension by
manipulating the muscle tissue to help relax the area. There are many
ways a therapist can achieve this goal. While they are working the
different areas of the body, circulation is improved and your lymph
system is stimulated.
Most people aren’t aware they have a lymph system or aren’t sure
what it does. Your lymphatic system is part of your immune system.
Lymphatic vessels, tissues, organs, and glands/nodes work together to
drain a watery fluid called lymph from throughout the body to fight
against infections. This is why a lot of breast cancer survivors who have
had lymph nodes removed getting swelling down their arms and into
their hands as the lymph is not flowing as well nor does it have the
nodes to filter the lymph fluid. Lymphatic massage helps to get the
lymph flowing and helps to divert it to other lymph nodes.
While the therapist relaxes the muscles, you may notice an increase
joint mobility and flexibility. When your muscles get tight and tension
increases, your joints don’t have the flexibility to move as they are
supposed to this can lead to pain.
Massage can also reduce stress hormones. And who doesn’t want to be
less stressed? It lowers your heart rate and releases endorphins. When
endorphins are released, stress related hormones are decreased
therefore the feeling of stress is relieved. Thus promoting relaxation. In
addition to reducing stress hormones, massage also helps reduce
anxiety and depression in a similar fashion. So not only is massage good
for your muscles, it’s also good for your mental health.
Heather Strand is a Nationally Certified Massage Therapist and has been licensed for over 12 years.
6448 Main St Suite 2, North Branch, MN
+1 651-317-9893